Collection: Sofa Ottomans

Explore our selection of flexible and functional sofa ottomans in fabric and leather options.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How does your price compare to competitors?

Sofa ottoman prices vary a lot in the market. For the same design, some charge $300 whilst others charge $800.

This variance is explained by the following:

  • Markups to cover fixed costs
  • Quality of materials used
  • Construction and craftsmanship

We offer competitive prices for sofa ottomans of good quality:

  • No additional markups for retail space and inventory, our sofas are made to order
  • Use quality materials that can last for 5 years and more
  • Strict selection of manufacturers that follow manufacturing best practices and use advanced machineries

To provide further assurance to our customers, we provide the following warranty coverages that takes effect on the day of delivery:

  • Frames, cushion foams and suspensions: 5 year warranty
  • Soft furnishing components: 1 year warranty

How long would your sofa ottomans last?

Our sofa ottomans are expected to last for 5 years or more under regular use.

This is backed by our strict criteria on the quality of materials used:

  • Fabric: No visible signs of damage after 15,000 Martindale rubs
  • Leather: Use of top grain leather or better options
  • Foam: High density foams with density over 45kg per cubic meter that are at least 10cm thick
  • Frame: Kiln dried solid wood frame
  • Suspension: Thick gauge zigzag spring over 5mm thick in diameter each and webbings over 7cm thick each

What are the sizes of your sofa ottomans?

Our sofa ottomans are fully customizable in terms of width and depth.

Dimension recommendations for aesthetic perspectives:

  • Sofa ottoman depth: 60cm or above to ensure that the ottoman can serve its purpose as a comfy footrest
  • Sofa ottoman width: no longer than 44% of the total width of the sofa and no longer than the width of each seat cushion

How do I raise customization requests?

Contact us via WhatsApp to discuss about your customization needs.

Post that, we will revert with a price quote:

  • If the price is the same as one of the default options: make payment online via one of the default options and we will issue invoice with your exact customization requests to your email
  • If the price is higher than one of the default options: we will share with you alternative payment options for your specific order such as bank transfers or payment via payment links

When would I get the sofa ottoman after order confirmation?

As our sofa ottomans are made to order in China, we need 4 - 6 weeks after order confirmation to deliver your sofa ottoman.

This is because it takes:

  • 2 weeks for production
  • 2 weeks for shipping from China
  • 2 additional weeks for contingencies such as production bottlenecks or shipment delays
  • high quality polyester blend fabrics used for our sofas


    >15,000 rub counts for all our fabric

  • top grain cow leather used for our sofas


    Top grain cow leather with tight fiber weave

  • sofa cushion made from high density foams


    >45kg/cbm high density foam used in cushions

  • solid wood sofa frame enhanced with corner blocks


    Solid larch wood used for key stress areas