Cancellation & Return Policies

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Cancellation Policy

Please review our cancellation policy below if you wish to cancel your order.

Free cancellation within 24 Hours

  • Cancellation is free within 24 hours of making payment

Cancellation After 24 Hours and Within 5 Days

  • If you cancel your order after the first 24 hour period and within 5 days, we charge a 25% order value cancellation fee to cover for material procurement costs

Cancellation After 5 Days and Before Shipment

  • If you cancel your order after 5 days and before shipment, we charge a 30% order value cancellation fee to cover for material procurement and production labour costs

Cancellation and Refund Process

  • To initiate a return, please reach out to us via WhatsApp
    • Provide us with the order number and the reason for cancellation
    • Our team will process your request and refund after deducting the cancellation fee from order value
  • Please note that it may take 7 - 14 business days for the refund to be reflected in your account, depending on your bank or payment provider

Return Policy

If you wish to return your product, please review our return policy below.

Eligibility for Return

We offer the ability to return for change of minds. However, the product must meet all the following criteria:

  • The return request must be made within 30 days from the delivery date
  • The product must be in its original packaging and remained unpacked at the time of return

Restocking Fee

  • A 40% order value restocking fee will be deducted from the refund amount to cover the cost of logistics and restocking

Staircase Charges

  • An additional staircase service fee of $20 per level per item per floor if the delivery team needs to carry the furniture down the stairs to complete the return process
  • Please let us know in advance if you need staircase service when you submit your return request
  • The staircase fee will be further deducted from the refund amount

Return Process

  • To initiate a return, please reach out to us via WhatsApp
  • Provide them with the order number and the photo of the product in its original packaging
  • Our team will contact you to arrange for return pick up (if product has already been delivered) post confirmation
  • After the product is back in our warehouse, we will proceed to process the refund to you
  • Please note that it may take 7 - 14 business days for the refund to be reflected in your account, depending on your bank or payment provider